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Giving online

Philanthropy is crucial to ensuring that our great school continues to deliver the best possible facilities and educational outcomes.


Other ways to give

Payments can be made by the following methods:

Credit card by phone
Please call (03) 6221 4200 with your card details.

Online by internet banking
BSB 017324
Account number 836696554
(Please include initial and surname for reference)

Made out to ‘The º£½ÇÖ±²¥app School’
PO Box 254, Sandy Bay TAS 7006 Australia

Tax deductibility

All donations made to the Building Fund, the Fund for Scholarships and Bursaries and the Fund for Library Resources are fully tax deductible in Australia.

Making a gift to º£½ÇÖ±²¥app from overseas

Through our partnership with Chapel & York UK and AUSUSA Foundation, residents in the USA and the UK are able to receive a tax deduction in these countries when making a philanthropic gift to The º£½ÇÖ±²¥app School.

To find out more about giving from overseas please contact Mrs Anna Beattie, Advancement Manager, at anna.beattie@hutchins.tas.edu.au.


The º£½ÇÖ±²¥app Foundation logo

We thank and acknowledge the giving of former members of The º£½ÇÖ±²¥app Foundation for their support of The º£½ÇÖ±²¥app School. We are very grateful for the significant contribution of the Foundation, and the School looks forward to continuing that good work for the benefit of the boys.

We strive to provide opportunities for boys to become their best by sharing the experience of a º£½ÇÖ±²¥app education with students that may not otherwise have the opportunity. We invite you to contact our Advancement Office on 03 6221 4239 or at advancement@hutchins.tas.edu.au and we will be delighted to assist you with your enquiry.